
Thursday, March 17, 2022

​​I am still blogging…

I am still blogging...but I've moved.

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Monday, December 6, 2021

Ruben Patterson art.

 This and last week for art I started this artwork. 
We had to sketch a New Zealand native plant, I chose a Rātā tree and put it in the foreground of an ocean. Then I painted the colours over top, (With a very small brush.) And put glitter on the red flowers. It was inspired by Ruben Patterson.

S t r i p e s

 It was hard living in a society where everybody looked different than you. Sometimes I would have to try to fit it better by spray-painting my fur. 

My fur is black and striped white like a skeleton, everybody else's fur is white. Why I'm different? I have no clue. The herd despises me most of the time. I've been put into the lowest ranking, even though I've tried my hardest to work harder. And harder. 

One time a jaguar attacked my village, the other horses said they SHOULD have sacrificed me, and would the next time it happened. My parents are royalty, even they look the same as everybody else. I've grown to learn its 'fair' because of my looks, that I should have the lowest ranking and the worst training and education. 

They treat me like a young foal. I try to tell them "I AM NO FOAL" they laugh and carry on teaching me basic things I should have learnt years ago, and that I actually already know them, but they teach me the same things everyday; boring, to be honest. I do sometimes think of like outside the herd, and wonder if there is anyone who looks the same as me, and whether to run away. 

I live in the palace, even though I am the lowest ranked. Many talk in whispers when they see me. 'its not fair that she looks like THAT and lives in the palace, and gets served the fanciest things.' or 'ew get  away'
Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if I could yell back "MY PARENTS ARE ROYALTY, ALSO ITS NOT MY FAULT I LOOK DIFFERENT." 

She never actually saw her parents, or talked to them. They had nothing to do with their ugly daughter. They had royal things to do, probably. All in all she wished she looked different. Sure she sprayed her fur white all the time, but her hair stuck up and everybody recognised her and laughed. 

But.. One fateful day. When it the weather gods were angry with eachother and poured down on them.
And she went out to buy vegetables for her grandma, because when it was raining everybody was inside and wouldn't see her.

But there was an    other horse outside. She squinted. It was yellow instead of the normal white. But why yellow? 

The horse noticed her. It grinned. "Hello!" The yellow horse said to her. 

                                                                        T h e       e n d 

Monday, October 18, 2021

Science Inquiry 2021

                               Science Inquiry 2021, Term 3 and 4 - Space rocks

By Izzy

Hebe, Riley and I are researching different variants of Space-rocks and the Asteroid-belt. 

We have been gathering information using a google slide. 

I am working with Hebe and Riley because me and Riley were the only two left doing the same topic, and then later Hebe joined. We gathered information on this site press this button:  🔴

Q: What would happen if a Meteor crashed into earth atmosphere? 

Q: What happens when a Meteor hits earth?

Q: Where is the Asteroid belt located? 

The three most interesting facts I learnt: 
  • 99.99% of space rocks in the Asteroid belt are over 100 million years old.
  • June 30th is Asteroid day in the United States. 
  • Based off of the place and brightness, there are different types of Asteroids, C-type, The most common type. 75% of Asteroids are C-type, they have a big amount of carbon. 

    S-type, 17% the second most common type, made of iron, oxygen, and silicon.

    M-type, they are fairly bright and made of other asteroid fragments, iron, and metallic. 8% of Asteroids are M-type. 
How I decided to share it: 
We are making a diorama. Mars and Jupiter with the asteroid belt in between. We also made a video explaining about our model.

The most challenging thing was our entire team being indecisive, and clueless.  

I'm proud of our diorama design because it was very detailed and cool. 

Thursday, September 9, 2021

Marshmellow earth!!! (Swwweeetttss)

 Today with Urmi (The good one, she forced me to write this.)

Sadly I couldn't get the photo (My chromebook camera doesn't work.)
She let us have swwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeetttttsssss...!

It was a small marshmellow, dipped in chocolate, I let the chocolate dry to be the crust, and cracked it like the tectonic plates. She let us put a M&M in the middle like the outer core and the inner core. And the Marshmellow part is-(Was, I ate it....) the Mantele.

We went outside to let the chocolate dry, it dripped on my hand so.. I ate it.. What else was I meant to do?

(Woooooo... Out of lockdown Y A Y Y Y Y )

Monday, August 30, 2021

Earth's layer explaination

I will be covering the earths layers.

  • The Crust

  • The Mantle

  • The outer core

  • The inner core

The Crust
We walk on the crust, it is thin and can break. It's 5-70km deep depending where you are. It is made up of Tectonic plates that rub together to make an earthquake. And where they meet, sometimes they make mountains or volcanoes.

The Mantle

The mantle is the hottest layer and it is liquid and solid. It is where the lava of volcanoes come from. Near where the crust meets it, it is about 1000 Celsius. And near where it meets the core it is 3700 Celsius.

The outer core

The outer core is made from melted metal (iron)

The inner core

Since we have never been in the inner core (Or anywhere else but the crust), scientists believe the inner core is solid iron